Monday, January 18, 2010


Actually, there is nothing fishy about it.
1. Just like everything else, you need more ppl to buy to sustain the market. the more you sell, the more you earn.

2. Nowadays, those family without computers is losing out. Everything is about IT age, and i think almost all families in cities will have at least a computer at home with connectivity. Primary schools are already using PCs in labs and classrooms. Government has plans by next year 2010, all schools will be converted to smart schools (with PCs as a learning tool). E-learning is the way forward.

3. The pricing is actually very affordable. Lets say you have 2 kids. You buy the starter package for RM796 for 2 kids for 6 months. Each kid costs only RM 298 for 6 months. Divide that again by 6, each kid is only paying RM 49.60. Divide that by average of 6 subjects, each subject costs you RM 8.30. Isn't that cheap? And when you top up after that 6 months, you pay RM 248 for the 2 kids for 3 months. Do the maths, and you'll see it gets cheaper. Imagine if you have 3 or 4 kids. Thats like RM 20-25 per month.Also your point of being unjustifiable for the cost, well, that is pretty subjective. Some ppl see the value the service offers to them, some don't. 4. Imagine you have a great product but do not have the market yet. How do you capture the market? Not all MLMs are bad or scams. There are some ppl making money out of it, but of course there are those who failed as well. Those who failed gave up, cos i think they thought since this is MLM, you get to get rich quick. Sorry man, just like any other business, one has to work had for it.Well, Kenshido has gotten the Direct Selling license from the government, so i think we can safely say it is legit.

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